Only 48 hours left!
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 02:53:50 PM
Wow! Only 48 hours left in the campaign.
These last two days are so critical for any campaign. If you like what Jen and I have done and want to see future stories from us, please share the campaign! The more interest we get, the more energy we will be able to dedicate to making our next project happen.
It's been so nice hearing all of the feedback from you! We were so nervous about making such a NSFW comic - a lot of publishers won't touch a naughty project like this with a ten foot pole. Reading messages about how you liked the art and the care we put into crafting Adventures of Liara Roux made us feel confident we were going in the right direction.
I want to give you a little taste of the next project we have in story. It’s going to be a longer story, with a much more involved plot. It’s a coming of age story about a girl with cyborg enhancements who lives in a rigid, dystopian society; how she breaks out, finds her people, and fights for a future she believes in!
It will still be just as horny and sexy, of course! What’s the point of taking down a dystopian government if you can’t have a ton of orgies along the way? If you’re a fellow Heinlein fan, you know exactly what I mean. The sex won’t just be about sex; it will a key element of the story, driving the plot. I feel strongly that smutty comics can be just as thought provoking and well thought out as anything else!
If you want to help out, sharing is the best way to do so! Forwarding the project to your friends who love comics or sharing on social media would be so, so appreciated.
If you’re looking for easy links to retweet:
From my Twitter:
From Jen’s Twitter:
Thank you so much for joining us in this adventure!! We can’t wait to get your copies printed and in your hands!
All my love <3